Monday, March 31, 2008

Palm Springs Trip 2008

There are three very special women in my life. Annette, Michelle and Julie are the other mom's with children in Alexandra's class. We went on a Palm Springs trip and had a fabulous time (WITHOUT THE CHILDREN). We took the tram up the mountain and it was a blizzard up there.. Beautiful though.. So much FUN..

These three ladies and I have known each other since our children were starting preschool in 2004.. We have been able to keep our children together in the same class so far and that is a blessing for us. I would not know what I would do with out these women. My ROCK.. Love you gals......

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Huntington Library

Now how cute is this. Her friend and classmate Kenneth went to the Huntington Library to see the gardens and the water fountains.. Had a wonderful time..

My Little Drummer

Alexandra loves to play music with her cousin Patrick.. Maybe she will be a little drummer one day...

Carousel Ranch

Carousel Ranch is a non-profit organization to help children with special needs. Horse back therapy. Alexandra loves her horse Mo and had been riding or 4 years now. Every year at the Ranch at the Holiday's they bring in snow for the children.. As you can see they love it..

A Trip to Disneyland 2006

Disneyland, a place of pure fun and happiness. Alexandra love music and dancing and once again she finds it.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Dancing in the Park

She loves to dance in the park.. Her friend, Kane and Alexandra say, "Ready, Set, Go"...

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Summer Fun

Alexandra loves the water and boats. We were with her Aunt Leslie and Uncle Gordie. Cousins Patrick and Lilly are also on the boat having fun with Alexandra.